Uploading your Bank Statement as a CSV

Uploading your Bank Statement as a CSV

Steps to uploading your Bank Statement

The exact process to download your Bank Statement as a CSV file can vary between financial institutions. We support all major banks, but some banks including AMEX, Diners, and Virgin Credit do not support this feature.

Step 1: Download your Bank Statement as a CSV from your bank. 

  1. Log in to your bank. Each bank will have different ways to export your transactions. You're looking for the option to 'download' or 'export' your transactions over a period
  2. Download the transactions as a CSV file
Note: Unfortunately, the bank's export files do not always include the Balance, so while you are signed in for online banking with your account selected. Click on the 'Statement' option and select the last day of the month to find out your Closing Bank Balance on this day. Write this balance down for future reference.

Step 2: Import your Bank Statement

  1. In okke, go to Banking > Transactions
  2. Click the Import Bank Statement button in the top right

  1. Choose the Bank Account that matches your bank from the dropdown menu
  2. Select Browse your files and select the Bank Statement you downloaded from your bank
  3. Select Continue With Import
    • The bank statement must be in the form of a CSV file (a CSV is a type of spreadsheet)
    • If you are importing transactions over a long period of time, you may find that the file is too large to be imported. You can try importing a shorter period of time's transactions to solve this issue


Step 3: Matching the columns

  1. Use the next screen to identify the different columns in your CSV for okke. okke needs to know the datedetails, and the credit or debit amount
    • If your bank uses a single column for debit and credit, you should instead use the Amount option in the dropdown menu. okke will then automatically assign the amounts to either credit or debit for you
  2. You can choose to import extra columns including description and reference to help you sort the transactions once they have been imported 
  3. Any other columns can be left Unallocated
  4. You can use the preview on the right to see if your columns are correct
  5. Select Import Transactions


Step 4: Matching or adding the Transactions

  1. Your Transactions from the Bank Statement will now appear in the Transactions section. You may need to change the month or Bank Account to see the Transactions appear

  1. If you already have an Entry in your Cash Flow (Income or Expenses) that matches the amount in the imported Transaction, you will have the ability to immediately match the transaction to the existing entry
  2. If you do not already have an entry in your Cash Flow that matches the imported transaction, you can create a new entry
    • If you have made a mistake when you manually created an Income or Expenses entry, it's possible that the Transaction will not be able to be matched. You will need to first fix the error in your Income or Expenses

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